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Andreas de Novocastro's Sentences lectures

Andreas de Novocastro composed his commentary on the Sentences after the condemnation of Nicholas of Autrecourt’s theses in 1346 and 1347. The “articles of the Lord Cardinal” to which he refers in his Prologue correspond to those revoked in 1347. The terminus a quo for dating Novocastro’s lectures on the Sentences is given by his references to the Franciscan John of Ripa who lectured on the Sentences during the academic year 1352-1353. The terminus ante quem for Novocastro’s questions on the Sentences, probably 1357-1358 or 1358-1359, is given by the citations of his philosophical positions by some of his contemporaries. It has been recently proved that he was the socius of Bonsemblans Badoarius who was a bachelor of the Sentences during the academic year 1358-1359 and who cites Novocastro as an unnamed Franciscan fellow bachelor in all four of his Principia. From the research conducted until now, it can be safely asserted that Novocastro was a student and a teacher in the decade after the condemnations of 1346 and 1347. The timeline proposed by K. Tachau in the production of the Sentences lectures identified the following steps: (1) Andreas lectured at a Franciscan stadium (possibly Amiens) other than Paris between 1353 and 1358, where an anonymous confrère and another fellow student named Registre confronted his views; (2) Andreas lectured as a bachelor on the Sentences at Paris, debating his socii (including Bonsemnbiante Badoer) in principial lectures in 1358-1359; (3) Andreas prepared an ordination of his lectures on the first book of the Sentences, incorporating pre-Parisian lectures and Parisian debates.




T. Szabo, « Andreas de Novo Castro, O. F. M. De conceptione virginis gloriosae », in Tractatus quatuor de immaculata conceptione B. Mariae Virginis, Collegium S. Bonaventura, Quaracchi, 1945.

H. Elie, Le signifiable par complexe. La proposition et son objet: Grégoire de Rimini, Meinong, Russell, Paris, J. Vrin, 2000.

H. Elie, « Quelques maîtres de l’Université de Paris vers l’an 1500 », in Archives d'histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen Age 18 (1950-1951), p. 193-243, p. 224 

K. Tachau, « French Theology in the Mid-Fourteenth Century: Vatican Latin 986 and Wroclaw, Milich F.64 », in Archives d'histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen Age 51 (1984), p. 41-80, esp. 46-47, 65.     

K. Tachau, « The Quaestiones in primum librum Sententiarum of Andreas de Novocastro, O. F. M. », in Archives d'histoire doctrinale et littéraire du Moyen Age 59 (1992), p. 289-318, esp. 299-307.

Nicolas d’Autrécourt, Correspondance. Articles condamnés. Texte latin établi par L.M. de Rijk. Introduction, traduction et notes par Ch. Grellard, Paris, J. Vrin, 2001.

Andrea de Novocastro news: 

31.09.2016: Distinction I of the Sentences now available on this site under TEXTS
